Monday, February 23, 2015

10 Actors I'd Like to See in the Zelda Netflix Series

Go to the link above and then look at the author's name. Find where they live and attack a few cucoos right next to their house. If you do this, you will have done a great service for both this world and Hyrule.

I take the greatest possible exception to the list that was given over at the Verge. However, I do like the Verge. They do a great job at what they do and I often enjoy their articles. So don't kill anyone. But in order to bring back a little bit of humanity to those banging down the doors of every Verge writer, I want to put forth my own list. A list that I think is a little better than the last. However, some will disagree and that is okay! It should be noted that I don't necessarily think that this should absolutely be the finalized cast for the series. I just wanted to put forth some of the actors I think could be successful at playing these roles.

I gave my self a few rules.

1. I will do 10 characters.

2. They all will be from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Why? I think that would be the easiest adaption to imagine on the screen. Sure, they may take it a different way, but I do think TP has the most character development.

3. These characters will be pretty famous. Obviously I can't choose people I don't know about but I will do my best to choose people who people are familiar with.

And with those rules, here we go.


Our beloved, Triforce bearing hero, Link, is a young boy, casted into a world of evil villains, beautiful princesses and monsters that want to kill him at every point. But, wielding Evil's Bane, Link is able to set out and save Hyrule from the clutches of those who would see it's destruction.

And who would make a better Link than another boy cast into the world of evil villains? Andrew Garfield's Spiderman was pulled off brilliantly (despite it's incongruities between comics and movies). When trying to realize who would play Link most effectively, I tried to imagine characters who can be both cute and caring and fierce and menacing. These are swings Link goes through. I think Andrew would be a great Hero of Time. He's cute, quick, and can pull of tights. We know this. We have foreseen it.


I thought for hours while cutting broccoli with a friend about who could pull of the Princess for which the entire series is named. I needed someone beautiful, someone royal-looking. But who? The main problem was deciding to stick with TP brown hair or classic blonde. I tried and tried but no one matched my qualifications. But one who came close is the following. And it''s...!

Natalie Dormer. Originally, I was going to go with two different girls and it was going to be a tie. But then, my girlfriend opened my eyes, as per usual. Natalie not only pulls off a chic (no pun intended) and royal look but also has the ability to double as a Shiekah warrior. She's a, pardon my French, real badass with the blonde hair that could work on Zelda. Not the yellow banana colored hair from Ocarina of Time.


The King of Thieves. Robin Hood had better wait for this Triforce-bearing Gerudo to die before he can saunter his way into the spotlight. Ganondorf has been the primary antagonist of several Legend of Zelda games. But who could capture his evil, arrogant spirit? Well, my vote is this.

Sean Bean. Yes, I know, I know. He's played some huge roles that shook cinema like Ian from National Treasure but I think Sean Bean, especially the one we saw in the Fellowship, could play a truly maniacal and somewhat crazy Ganondorf.


The Usurper King of the Twilight Realm is crazy, insane, and terribly scary. Now, as soon as I thought of who should play this ingenious villain, I thought of this wonderful human being.

Benedict Freakin' Cumberbatch. Yes, he's chosen for everything now a days, but just look at the face compared to Zant's. It's almost a carbon-copy! Benedict does very well to capture a crazy, insane vibe while still holding a menacing presence as Zant commands.


Midna. that sassy Navi replacement has captured our hearts. One problem about Midna is that she has some audible sound clips though they aren't actually words. So finding someone to match, I based it on her true form as the Twilight Princess. 

Sairse Ronan may not be the face you were imagining. But she's ginger. Also, she can be pretty sassy as Midna can be. Can't you just imagine her turning to Andrew Garfield flirtatiously and uttering "Am I so beautiful that you've no words left?"


Freakin' Ilia. Always gettin' captured and losing her memory. What are you gonna do? Link's love interest may not play too heavily into the game but my bet is that the producers of Zelda won't want Link to be a loveless little elf.

Kate Micucci may be a little on the stranger side but she looks EXACTLY LIKE ILIA.


Image result for telma zelda

This busty barkeep was a hard woman to track down. But I think I've found a pretty good match for her. Flirtatious and hospitable, she's a true character.

Nothing but the best for Telma. Danielle Brooks (Orange is the New Black) would make a great barkeep to host the resistance against Ganondorf!


The bumbling bomb maker from Kakariko Village may be a fraidy-cat but he certainly comes in handy when we need to make a boom. But who can play such a scared, welding mask wearing character?

As much as I hate to besmirch the name of such a great actor with such an ugly role, I think Stanley Tucci would make an excellent Barnes. Not only because he could pull off the scared, bumbling routine but he would win an Emmy while doing it.

King Bulblin

King Bulblin. Kind of a jerk. But pretty cool. Ridin' on a boar on a bridge.

Not to type cast but Lawrence Makoare played Lurtz, Gothmog, and the Witch King in the Lord of the Rings. He could definitely pull off a boar riding villain.

Queen Rutela

File:Queen Rutela.png
Possibly the saddest part of the game (other than the end), Queen Rutela is a lovely, graceful spirit of a Zora Queen, hoping Link can help her son.

Kate Winslet (8)

I don't think there's a lot that needs said. Kate Winslet is prime and could pull of the fish spirit thing pretty well.

Well! That's pretty much it. Let me know what you think in the comments! Make your own list too!

BONUS (the one suggestion I agree with.)

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